Thursday, September 8, 2011

The beginning!

The initial purpose of this blog is to track my process as I train for the Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon that I'll be running in Las Vegas on December 4th. I'll be giving updates on my workouts and times as well as healthy meals (and how to make them yourself!) that boost my energy and keeps me moving!

However, in the long-term, I'm hoping to continue maintaining the blog, for my interested friends and peers that enjoy cooking healthy meals (for cheap) and staying in shape. Over the past 6 months, I had a pretty big 180 from my prior eating and lifestyle habits: I no longer drink and I cut out processed foods as much as possible, replacing them with fruits, veggies, legumes, whole grains, and lean meats. I lost 20lbs, but increased my energy and motivation to work hard, save money, and continue living healthy. 


3-mile treadmill run and strength workout: This was tough, I really dislike treadmill running -- especially when SportsCenter is on and it's the same news that was being reported as yesterday. I can't focus on the environment and instead am left watching the clock, praying for 3 miles to come quicker. Definitely looking forward to an outdoor run this weekend! The strength workout went great, but left my upper arms and shoulders completely sore the rest of the day

Check all my workouts at:

Fundraising Status:

Currently at $210, with BRYAN ROGERS donating the first and current high of $100 :) Thanks to all my supporters!

So for yesterday's meals,

Breakfast: 6-oz of Strawberry non-fat Chobani greek yogurt with 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of Kashi 7-whole grains cereal

Yum! Greek yogurt has lots of protein which means no problem staying full til lunchtime!

Lunch: Black beans (cooked from scratch!) over lettuce with a side of steamed broccoli, grape tomatoes, and sweet potato french fries... and for dessert? Strawberries!

Lots of veggies, and the black beans are super filling! All it took was pre-cooking them the night before (soaking them for an hour, cooking for 45 min, adding just a little salt at the end) and then reheating

Dinner: Stir-fry lean chicken tenderloins with roasted zucchini, jalapeno, red peppers and caramelized onions mixed with low-sodium soy sauce, served with 1 piece of 100% whole wheat bread and a side salad of spinach and grape tomatoes

Grill pans are great for this -- start the veggies first and cook the chicken separately, then mix together, adding the soy sauce to allow it to infuse into all the ingredients. Also, topping the stir fry on the bread was super delicious.

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