Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

(Nearly) A year has flown by since I last posted on this blog and so much has happened! 

Quick Update: I ran the Boston Marathon in April, after having raised over $7,500 to support research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and finished in my second-best time of 4:34 (considering I was still recovering from a tensor fasciae latae strain, I was pretty happy about this!). I made it through the first 9 miles just fine, and then started feeling that all-too-familiar twitch in my hip. "Please, not yet..." I thought. By mile 18, it was excruciating, and I just hit Heartbreak Hill: 3 miles of constant uphill. I had to walk, which was disappointing, but seeing the Boston College students (followed by BU students) reminded me of the past years I'd spent cheering on the runners from that exact sideline, and helped me push through the last 5 miles.

My best friend, Ashley, got married in July and the wedding was absolutely beautiful! (Pictures below) I was honored to be a part of this special day and celebrate the love between her and Mike :)

I quit my job at DePuy Spine as a Product Development Engineer at the end of July to begin medical school at Boston University in August. I miss the people at work but I love learning and knowing that I'm working towards something I want to do for the rest of my life. First semester was definitely difficult, but survivable! It's crazy to think that I'm already 1/8 of an MD...

My first patent (hopefully not last!) was published in September - a fulcrum device meant for minimally invasive lumbar spine surgery to assist in applying better compression and generate more stability in the patient. You can look at it here, if you're interested!

I completed my second Vermont Spartan Beast up in Killington at the end of September, which proved to be much harder than last year. I made the mistake of not bringing any food or water on the trek, hoping that they would provide that to the racers along the way... not so much. I'm so grateful for the two people I encountered who gave me a "honey-stinger" waffle treat (that I swear, tasted like the best thing I'd ever eaten) and another one who gave me jelly beans at mile 12 (I had to ration them to myself every 5 minutes, taking as many bites as possible to spread out the time I was eating!) Despite these disadvantages, I still had a great time: there were some new obstacles, the course was different, and I finished in just over 7 hours (average time for females was 9 hours). 

Also, while in school, I've been working as a part-time personal trainer (ACE Certified) at Boston Sports Club in the South End. I love working with clients who want to improve and get stronger and love knowing that I can help them achieve these goals! It's much like the results I'll want to see as a doctor - helping people get better and having this direct impact on people's lives.


I'm going to start posting more regularly (as regularly as school and work allow me!) and, although today's post was all updates of the past year, my future posts will include medical school fun facts, tips about training / running / working out and nutrition advice (especially for those who are constantly "on the run").

Comment if you have any suggestions for topics or questions for me!

Wishing everyone a VERY Merry Christmas and lots of time with friends, family and loved ones! Today, be grateful for those you have in your life!

Workout for Today:

Begin with 30 squats, 20 lunges, 1 minute plank

10 pushups (hand-release!)
24 bicep burners @5-10lbs (8 full bicep curls, 8 curls half-way up, 8 full bicep curls)
15 kettlebell clean & press (each arm; 4-6kg)
10 pushups (hand-release!)
15 tricep dips
15 rows on TRX
15 lateral raises (5-7.5lbs in each hand)
10 pushups
15 tricep dips

End with 30 squats, 20 lunges, 1 minute plank

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