Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring, is that you?

Days like today (mind you, I'm here in Columbus, OH, but I know Boston is equally as warm), get me excited about the incoming warm weather and help forget about the past two months of arctic temperatures that we've had to endure. I'm excited not just because it means not having to briskly walk to school with a face mask and layers-on-layers of clothes, but also because it means longer hours of daytime, and more motivation to run outside!

I'm going to be running a half-marathon this Spring (either this one: TARC Half Marathon or one in mid-late May... any suggestions?) because it's nice to have something to train for!

Workout of the week:

Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box Jumps (24in box)
50 Jumping pull-ups (use a small box or step to start on)
50 Kettlebell (KB) swings (16kg; swing to parallel with the ground, not above the head)
50 Walking lunges
50 Knees to elbows (See Video - these are HARD so take breaks!)
50 Push press (30lbs)
50 Back extensions
50 Wallballs (14lbs)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders (or 100 normal jump ropes)

*Scaled version of this is "Dirty 30" with 30 reps instead of 50 of each exercise!

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