Sunday, July 19, 2015

Learning to be a Second Lieutenant - BOLC

Few days for an update.... a month... it's all the same, right?! :|

For the past 5 weeks, I've been at Fort Sam Houston Joint Base San Antonio attending the Basic Officer Leadership Course!
My view from the hotel (at Fort Sam)
The temperature has rarely gone below 90 degrees and my days typically start around 4am and end (usually) by 5:30pm.
Trying to find some shade
I've learned a LOT while being here, but I have to say that the majority of what I learned has been outside of the designated class time and from things like advice from prior service members and reservists and also just from experience.

Some small "nuggets" and tips I've learned thus far:
  • Standing at attention requires a 45 degree angle between feet, with heels touching; scapula is retracted and hands are clasped in a fist (thumbs on the outside) [yes, this is required]
  • Rifle/weapon (never to be called a gun.. oops) is to be carried at "low ready" at all times [and must be carried everywhere with you like a 3rd arm... including the latrines - you could get attacked anywhere!]
  • When firing, jam the M16 into the soft muscular part above the pectoralis muscle - the soft tissue absorbs most of the recoil
  • Tucking in trousers to boots was much easier than trying to use the blousers (these never worked for me!)
  • The gas chamber sucks. Imagine feeling like you really, really want to breathe but your body is absolutely refusing
Me, smiling (somehow) after the gas chamber (not seen are the copious tears and snot covering my face)
  • Putting thick hair into a bun is much easier once it's braided (which was also a learning experience)
First the braid
Then the bun
  • Baby wipes are essential for days where there's no time to shower / the line is too long
  • Having a book to read in the field is CRUCIAL! I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have a book to read during the times we're waiting around for the next assignment
  • Learned to be patient ("hurry up and wait" is big in the Army and with 470 students and generally ~15 cadre, it's tough to get everyone in formation / doing the right thing
Arriving at Camp Bullis for Field Training 
Our tents (30 people in each)
I have not eaten any of the MREs (meals-ready-to-eat) - by choice - a lot of the snacks in them have trans fats but more than that, I just don't find them overly appetizing.
MRE = Meal Ready to Eat. Opening it is like Christmas - you never know what you're going to get!

Instead, I brought beef jerky (yes has lots of sodium but considering I'm mostly replenishing with just water throughout the day, I need those extra electrolytes), roasted almonds and LOTS of chocolate-chip quest bars. Fortunately, we do have hot chow for breakfast and dinner and I've found both quite delicious! For breakfast, there's fruit (apples, bananas and oranges - but you have to be one of the early ones to get this cause they run out), eggs (have looked green/watery on occasion but it tastes just fine), bacon, oatmeal, and "coffee" aka dirty water (I drink it anyways), and for dinner: some form of spaghetti or meatballs or "mystery meat" with canned mixed veggies and a side salad).

Prepping for land navigation!
One thing I've noticed that's surprised me while being at Field Training is that it's hard to do physical training (PT) because the only time designated for it happens to be the same time that cell phone use is permitted, dinner is served, and showers are open. Also, it's at the end of a long day and the temperature is still in the 90s. Instead, I've been doing "mat" workouts using a hotel towel and doing that on the floor of the tent to do "7 minute workouts" (even got some of my cabin mates to join in!) but in terms of running, I've been saving that for when I'm home at Fort Sam on the weekends. 

That's all for now! Hopefully won't be as long before I check in again!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring, is that you?

Days like today (mind you, I'm here in Columbus, OH, but I know Boston is equally as warm), get me excited about the incoming warm weather and help forget about the past two months of arctic temperatures that we've had to endure. I'm excited not just because it means not having to briskly walk to school with a face mask and layers-on-layers of clothes, but also because it means longer hours of daytime, and more motivation to run outside!

I'm going to be running a half-marathon this Spring (either this one: TARC Half Marathon or one in mid-late May... any suggestions?) because it's nice to have something to train for!

Workout of the week:

Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box Jumps (24in box)
50 Jumping pull-ups (use a small box or step to start on)
50 Kettlebell (KB) swings (16kg; swing to parallel with the ground, not above the head)
50 Walking lunges
50 Knees to elbows (See Video - these are HARD so take breaks!)
50 Push press (30lbs)
50 Back extensions
50 Wallballs (14lbs)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders (or 100 normal jump ropes)

*Scaled version of this is "Dirty 30" with 30 reps instead of 50 of each exercise!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"I'd Rather do Burpees"

Ever think you'd say the words: "I'd rather do burpees"? Well, after the workout we did this morning in UXF Tabata, that was just the case for a few brave souls.

The workout, designed by my fellow Coach, Brooks Dyer, consists of the following:
5 RFT, 24min time cap

  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 push-ups
  • 20 TRX rows
  • 20 power cleans
  • 20 seesaw press

It's heavy on the upper body but such a great workout! I highly recommend it!

Doublet ladder: going from 1 --> 15 burpees while doing 15 --> 1 KB swings
So the sets look like this:
1 burpee, 15 KB swings
2 burpees, 14 KB swings
.... [+1 burpee, -1 KB swing]
14 burpees, 2 KB swings
15 burpees, 1 KB swing

In total, you'll end up doing 120 burpees and 120 KB swings!

Now, along with these awesome workouts above, I also want to take a second to review nutrition. Refueling after an intense workout is crucial!! While a lot of my clients and fellow workout enthusiasts have an individual goal of trying to lose a few pounds or drop a pant size, proper nutrition after stressing your muscles is not only going to HELP you lose weight and be healthy in the end, but it's also going to ensure efficient recovery for your muscles. There will be a variety of "experts" out there telling you that you must have "X number of grams of this-and-that exactly such and such minutes [made-up number...] after finishing your workout" and this isn't some hard-fast rule. Yes, it's important to replenish your muscles and body with water, electrolytes, protein and healthy fat and carbs soon after a workout, but that doesn't mean you need to buy into some ridiculous GNC product and consume it a set-time after. Just get home, make tuna+avocado with an apple on the side or have some greek yogurt (I like Fage 0% Plain because there is NO sugar!) with fresh berries (real sugar) and granola.

The worst thing you can do though? Is not eat because you think that it's going to help you lose weight. You're messing with your metabolism and not helping your fatigued muscles heal, which could lead to feeling overly sore the following day (for your next workout).

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Love Your Body

With Valentine's day this weekend, and conveniently, the month of February is National Heart month, this week's workout is dedicated to keeping your body healthy and energized to protect on of the most important organs: your heart!

Make sure you spend enough time with some cardio (elliptical, treadmill, hiking, biking) before you do the weights portion of this workout. Increasing your heart rate while weight-lifting helps raise your resting metabolic rate: so your muscles continue burning fuel even while you're sitting at your office desk or watching TV on the couch at home. In order to achieve the maximum cardiovascular benefits from a workout (to prevent diseases like hypertension), you'll want to calculate the ideal HR (in bpm) range:

First, find your maximum HR (MHR) = 220 - Age
Your optimal cardiovascular range is [85%*MHR] on the low end, and MHR (minus about 5, you want a little buffer). When you're on the treadmill or elliptical, you can check your heart rate by holding on to the metal handles. Alternatively, there are some great fitness watches that not only track your mileage / time on a run but also, in real-time, track your heart rate.

Fitbit Surge $250

21-18-15-12-9 (*must do every exercise listed below 21 times before starting the 18 reps, etc)

KB Clean and Press
Crossfit sit-ups
Box Jumps

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

No more snow!!

So... who's done with winter?

Don't let all this snow and cold weather bring you down though, time for a great workout! And what better day to celebrate the Patriot's amazing Super Bowl win with a Pats-themed workout than the day of the Parade!

4x through (TB12 now has 4 rings):
28 OH Plate (45#, 25#) squats
24 Push-ups

Go for time. Feel free to do an additional 30-minute cardio workout afterwards (run, elliptical, bike, walk)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blizzard Warning!!

Finally, it's feeling like WINTER! With the upcoming arrival of (hopefully) up to 2-3 feet of snow, surely I'm not the only one excited to build a snowman... I'm especially excited because next weekend I'll be heading up to Killington to ski for the weekend with the rest of the first-year students and judging from the weather forecast, it's looking to be a perfect weekend for it.

This morning's workout was a super tough one, so great job to everyone who got through it! Here it is:

UXF Tabata (1/25/15):

Warm up

"Bring Sally Up" song ("Flower" by Moby) done with push ups
This is what we were re-creating:

Circuits: 1 min of each exercise; 2x through
Rope slams
16# medicine ball slam
Goblet squats w/ 10kg KB
25# plate to OH
Wall sit
Tricep dips on box
10kg KBS

Up the Ladder
10 20 30 40
Burpees, Sit ups, Lunges, Push ups

For the workout for THIS week: lucky number 33 (that's my lucky number)
33 of each exercise:
Sit Ups
Box Jumps
Push Ups
Jump rope

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Short Post: Workout!

Fun fact of the day: Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that “lack of exercise may be responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity.” Investigators “analyzed data from 334,000 men and women across Europe participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study.” The researchers “estimate that exercise equivalent to a 20-minute brisk walk each day – burning 90 to 110 calories – reduces the risk of premature death by as much as 30 percent when compared with no exercise.”
So unfortunately there won't be a long post this week as I have my final exam in medical neuroanatomy on Tuesday. Don't worry, I'll write again hopefully during the week this week after it's over!
Here's the workout for the week:     
(Similar to "Murph")
1 mile run
100 sit ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 mile run

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Quick and Healthy Snacks & Workout Music

Happy Saturday, friends!

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend - just because it's cold that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a brisk walk with a friend or a jog to the gym!

One thing I find that really helps motivate me to "get up and go" or ensure I have a great workout is upbeat music. I know everyone has different music tastes (I do even within my everyday activities: I listen to country while I clean, classical while I study, and hip-hop/EDM while I workout) but sometimes there's that song or two that really revs you up... right now, mine is "Spaceman" by Hardwell.

The song doesn't have any lyrics but it was in my Boston Marathon playlist and it came on at mile 13.. when I was REALLY struggling and needed the extra push to keep going. 

[Side note: As some of you may know, 13 miles is just around the half marathon point. Boston 2014 was my third full marathon, but before I'd ever even thought of running a full, I would finish a half and think, "how does anyone run twice this distance?!" I didn't even feel like it would be possible for my legs to run another mile. And this is where the importance of the mental aspect of running becomes just as apparent as the physical aspect. Let's say you head out today for a 5 mile run: when you hit that 4 mile mark, all your mind can think about is, "oh thank goodness, only one more mile to go and I'm done." But then, let's say, next week, you're aiming for 7 miles -- and you start out the run knowing that's your goal. At mile 4, your mind knows you have 3 miles left and is able to push your body those last three miles. By mentally preparing yourself throughout training to push BOTH your mind and body further, you can push through all the way to 26.2 miles. This is why it's critical to set goals and routines before you get to gym, so your mind doesn't convince your body to quit early.] Sorry... got off on a tangent there!

Question for you: What type of music do you all listen to when you workout?

On the nutritional front, I wanted to provide some ideas for quick and healthy snacks, especially for those "on the go" who might not have time to cook or prep. 
  • Quest bars: 21g of protein, 1g of sugar - to make it a true "snack" you can eat it with some almonds and an apple to get the good carbs and fat to help digest the protein. My favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and you can buy it on Amazon for $25!
  • Fruit Smoothies: easy to make -> just add one banana, whey protein powder (I use the CVS Vanilla brand), frozen fruit, and almond milk... blend, and success!

  • Healthy salads from the grocery store (most places have these) are great meals since you can pick and choose your toppings and the vegetables and meats are fresh!

Finally, a WORKOUT!
This one is for time... and it's a LADDER workout (meaning you climb up the ladder, and descend all the way back down)

Burpees, Squats, Kettlebell (KB) swings, Sit ups
 (So you'll do 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 KB swings, and 10 sit ups, and then 20 of each, and so on)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Everything is better with a friend

Studies have shown the exercising with a friend has many benefits:
  • Better accountability (you're not likely to skip a workout if you know your friend is counting on you being there)
  • Positive support (having a friend with you going through the same tough workout and motivating you to finish)
  • You're less likely to be bored and the time will pass more quickly with a friend going through the workout too
  • You can celebrate your successes together!
Having a friend as a workout partner boosts your self-confidence in showing you that you can complete the workout with a friend who is similar to you. Having more self-confidence improves the likelihood of adherence to an exercise program - so that you're less likely to quit!

I'm fortunate that my roommate, Clare, loves to run as much as I do - and we're both on the same schedule - which means morning runs before class is our way of waking up and getting in a good sweat! Clare is a bit of a faster runner than I am, which has benefited me in that I've shaved off a couple seconds of my normal 3-mile time by pushing myself to keep up with her over the past 6 months. But I also think I've helped Clare by being her running partner both through ensuring she wakes up for the workouts and also pacing the speed during our runs.
This is Clare! Running a 5k benefit I put on March 2014
Below are some past workouts I've done that I'm grateful to have been with a partner or team who's helped push me to the end:

Warrior Dash with some DePuy ladies (and siblings / friends)
Felice's first full marathon in SF where I ran the last 8 miles with her!
Fenway Spartan Sprint DePuy Synthes Team 2013

Providence Frosty 5k w/ New Bedford & Fall River Folks
Killington Spartan Beast 2013 w/ my girlfriend Emily!
Hanover 5k April 2014
My Mom and I at our FIRST FULL MARATHON at Disney (it was 3am so we were sleepy!)
Having friends and family participate in workouts with you has double the benefits: you both get in shape while getting to spend time with each other!

And finally, for YOUR next workout... a partner workout, one I did while in Miami last Spring on a beach... all you need is a friend and either a yard, park, basketball court, or (yes) a beach. Give yourself about 150-200ft of space between what we'll call Point A and Point B. Only one partner is to be working at any given time. You can split up the number of reps however you want (doesn't have to be even). For example, for 60 burpees (the first exercise), I could do 40 and my partner could do 20 --> just has to add up to 60!
Anything in PINK is something you both do to get from Point A to Point B; RED (or ORANGE) is what ONE PARTNER DOES AT A TIME at one location
Further explanation:
  • Wheel barrow = one partner has their hands on the ground and their partner is holding their legs and walking / running to point A (from Point B)
  • Jump Over Partner = the partner is kneeling on the ground with their hands on the ground. You jump from one side of them to the other (without kicking them in the back!)
  • Buddy Carry = carry your partner however you want from Point A to Point B
  • Frog Jumps = partner kneels down and you jump fully over them, kneeling down to let your partner do the same